As defined in Wikipedia..."Gigging" is the practice of hunting fish. A "gig" refers to any long pole which has been tipped with a multi-pronged spear. The gig pole ranges in length from 8 to 14 feet and typically has three or four barbed tines similar to a trident.

Flounder Fishing at Night Provides an Awesome Parade of Brilliant Stars Above, a Stunning Moonrise perhaps & plenty of Tasty Flounder just below the surface!
It's a "flat" fish that spends most of its life lying and swimming along sandy bottom shores, inlets, flats & grassy areas. The flounder's eyes are both on the left-side of the body and it can camouflage itself very well. Most flounder are between 12 and 15 inches long, but the females can reach a length of 25". Adult flounder enter shallow water at night where they lie on the bottom, partially buried & wait for prey.

Adult flounder will leave the bays and head toward the gulf for spawning during the winter months but some remain behind and spend the winter inshore. The "Fall Migration" is characterized with a large concentration during the migration period. Large quantities of flounder heading out to the gulf is known as the "Fall Flounder Migration". Except for the month of November and part of December, flounder can be fished year-round. Texas Parks and Wildlife Service closes flounder fishing when they are spawning so that they can replenish themselves and rightfully so.

Flounder is one of the tastiest fish and sought after by many! The meat is white and it can be cooked just about any way you like....grilled, smoked, broiled, stuffed and broiled, baked, pan-fried and their are delicious and provide great nutrition too as they are low in cholesterol for the healthy-minded! It's a great source of protein and among a long laundry list of benefits, it can lower your chance for heart disease as well. Summer flounder are also known as "fluke" (found in the Americas) or "sole" which is widely found on the coasts of Europe.